Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Vygotsky's Socio-cultural Theory

Lev Vygotsky is the proponent of this theory. He recognized social interaction and language as two central factors in cognitive development.

Social Interaction. Vygostxky empahsized that effective learning happens through participation in social activities, making the social context of learning cruial. Parents, teachers and other adults in the learners' environment contribute to the process.

Language. Language opens the door for learners to acquire knowledge that others already have. Learners can use language to know and understand the world and solve problems. 

Vygotsky believed in the essence of activities learning.

The zone of actual development is the zone wherein the child attempts to perform a skill alone, s/he may not be immediately proficient at it. Thus, s/he perform at a certain level of competencey. And the difference between what the child can accomplish aone and what s/he can accomplish with the guidace of others is what Vygostky refers to as zone of proximal development.

Another term which highlights this theory of Vygotsky is scaffolding. This term means the support or assistance that lets the child accompish tasks s/he cannot accomplish independently. It is not doing the task while the child watches, it's about assisting the child to accoomplish tasks. As the learner develops, one must put scaffold and fade away technique  into use. Scaffold and fade away techniqueis the act of withdrawing the guidance and letting the learner accomplish the task.

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