Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Kohlberg's Stages of Moral Development


1. Lawrence Kohlberg adopted and built on Piaget's work, and set the grounddwotk for the present debbate within psychology on moral development.
2. If Piagetdesigned specific taks (Piagetian Tasks) to learn about the cognitive development of children, Kohlberg utilized moral dilemma (Kohlberg Dilemma).
From his research, Kohlberg identified six stages of moral reasoning grouped into three major levels. Each level represents a significant change in the social - moral reasoning or perspective of the person.

Kohlberg's Theory of Moral Development

Pre-conventional Level – Moral reasoning is based on the consequence/result of the act, not on the act itself is good or bad
Punishment/obedience. One is motivated by fear of punishment. He will act in order to avoid punishment.
Mutual Benefit. One is motivated t ct by the benefit that one may obtain later.
Conventional – Moral reasoning is based on the conventions or “norms” of society. These may include approval of others, law and order.
Social Approval. One is motivated by what others expect in behavior.
Law and Order.  One is motivated to act in order to uphold law and order.
Post-Conventional - Moral reasoning is based on enduring or consistent principles.
Social Contract. Laws that are wrong can be changed. One will act based on social justice and the common good.
Universal Principles. This is associated with the development of one’s conscience.

1 comment:

  1. You might find this also interesting.

    What is postconventional morality?

    A detailed explanation on postconventional morality.
